Backpacking Checklist

  • Bug Spray (not usually needed in the winter)
  • Mess Kit
  • Utensils (spork works well)
  • Flashlight – headlight
  • Matches
  • Backpack (you can borrow one from someone if you don’t have one)
  • Sleeping bag – 30 degree synthetic; borrow if you need one.  Zero Degree bags are too heavy.
    • To add an additional 10 degree to your bag you can use a sleeping bag liner or twin sheet
  • Foam pad – Very important to stay warm;  most body heat will leave through the ground.
  • Backpack Tent (if you don’t have one, contact the SPL and arrange to sleep with a scout who does)
  • Socks – Wool keeps feet warm even if they get wet.  I usually bring 2 pair of wool socks, the ones I hike in and ones for camp.  I let the ones I hike in dry out overnight.
  • Shoes (some people like boots but normal athletic shoes are fine provided they are laced up properly)
  • Beanie hat – knit
  • Long pants (new type scout pants are ideal) 
  • Long John pants (NOT cotton!)
  • Synthetic t-shirt (Under Armour, DuoFold)
  • Mid layer shirt (can be almost anything but synthetic is best)
  • Fleece type jacket (fleece is light weight and warm, not cotton if you can help it)
  • Rain suit – look for one that says it is breathable
  • Gloves (mittens will keep hands warmer).
  • Water bottles – will need at least 2 liters 
  • Small bag of hygiene items, small toothbrush, toothpaste, part of roll of toilet paper, camp suds (soap)
  • Sun screen – protects face from wind burn (smallest container you can find or share with other scouts)
  • Small first aid kit in plastic (snack baggie size) bag. Band-aid, mole skin, Tylenol, etc.
  • A couple of extra baggies for trash and other needs.

It is a good idea to put everything in baggies. Packs are not waterproof.  Put your name on all baggies. This is bear country to we will need to hang all “smellables” (food, snacks, toothpaste, deodorant, sun screen, trash, etc) so identification of your items including food is important. Try to keep all items that smell in a separate area of your pack from your sleeping bag and clothing, maybe a trash bag with all the smaller bags in it.

Pack weight including food & water should not be more than 25%-30% of your body weight. If you are small you may need an older scout to carry some of your stuff.

  • Food – packed in small bags. Be sure to check out this much larger list of food ideas.
    • Good idea to have some trail mix as well for snacks on the trail.
    • Pita bread
    • snacks for trail
      • Cliff bars, pretzels, apple, etc.
    • hot chocolate, Hot tea, Mountain House meals,instant Oatmeal,Pop Tarts, etc.
    • packs to add to water – Gatorade, etc